Welcome spring and the light with new interior details for the home.
Mix natural materials and colors with unique recycled items for a personal and warm feeling.
Perfect Imperfection - unique and perhaps not always perfect interior details for a modern and personal interior style. All recycled items in the store is one-of-a-kind and handpicked with great love and care.
Wooden stool 'Nature' teak
795 kr
Wooden ladle 'Skopa' No 12
299 kr
Wooden bowl 'No 29' vintage
1 095 kr
Pot Papier mache 'Turpan'
895 kr
Wooden tray 'Treasure' No 1
595 kr
Great offer on Meriaki-fragrant and organic skin care from Denmark.
Meraki diffuser 'Verbena Drizzel' 240ml
223 kr
279 kr
Meraki hand soap 'Silky Mist' 490ml
159 kr
199 kr
Meraki hand lotion 'Silky Mist' 275ml
135 kr
169 kr
Meraki hand soap 'Northern Dawn' 490ml
159 kr
199 kr
At Hayven, you will find unique and hand selected interior details that last over time. Natural materials, handmade objects and reuse in a wonderful mix.